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  • Australian Made and Sourced Pet Treats

    June 10, 2022 1 min read

    Australian Made and Sourced Pet Treats - Laila and Me

    Proud Australian Made Pet Treats Company

    Do you love supporting Aussie Made products and companies? Well then you will love the fact that all our products and treats are not only supporting Aussie Farms but we are helping the environment at the same time.

    Chicken Necks made in Australia for dogs - Laila and Me

    👉🏼 Shop our range of Aussie Sourced Pet Treats

    We support Aussie Farmers and Businesses

    We not only support Aussie Farms and businesses but we make sure nothing goes to waste... yes even duck heads! This means that more money for our hard working farms, a happier planet and well nourished pet. 

    👉🏼 Shop our Aussie Sourced and Dehydrated Duck Heads

    How to tell is a business is Australian Made and Supported

    Do you want to support more Aussie Businesses making a difference? All you need to do is look out for the green and gold kangaroo logo and support Aussie business.

    Did you know that

    • 99% of Australians recognise the green and gold Australian Made logo
    • 93% of Australians prefer to buy products made in Australia*
    • 89% of Australians believe more manufacturing should be undertaken in Australia^

    (Sourced from Australian Made)

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